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  • Shauna Williams

The War Against Sin

Updated: Oct 23, 2020

First let me thank Prophetess Stephanie Alexander a true woman of God for this opportunity to share what God have put in my heart with you guys. Greetings, my family in Christ, my name is Shauna Williams and today we wage WAR AGAINST SIN.
Before we go to war, we must first know the reason for the war, who are our adversaries, and who our alliances are. The bible tells us in John 10:10 KJV “The thief (devil) cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I (Jesus) come that they (we) might have life, and that they (we) might have it more abundantly. Do me a favor. Say that scripture repeatedly, make it personal to you until you believe it. The war is over our soul beloveds, and the devil our adversary seeks to steal our soul. However, the one that created us and the earth for us, the one that sustains us, the same one that died for our sins, the one who rose again so we can have access to eternal life---JESUS, our Alliance wants to give us life and not just average life, but life more abundantly.

Choose life

I do not know about you, but I CHOOSE LIFE AT ALL TIMES. But then why do I sin over and over and over again? Can I ever stop sinning? Will I ever be freed from sin? I truly believe the answer is YES, but only by taking on one sin at a time.

Sin is nothing but a bad habit

Habits are hard to break and a sin is nothing but a bad habit. How do we conquer sin, ONE SIN AT A TIME. No War is fought all at once, there are different levels of battle. So, we start with the BATTLE PLAN. I created 3 battle plans that will have you conquering one sin at a time and keep it conquered

The Battle Plan

Today we review Battle Plan 1: ANALYZE YOURSELF.

  1. Get a Journal and have it ready.

  2. Speak to God and ask him to reveal the things in you that needs to change.

    1. Let us remember our character is not changed in heaven, so we must fix it from earth.

  3. Think deeply on this and write down everything about yourself that you need to change.

  4. Pray again and ask God to tell you which sin to work on first.

  5. Once you get your answer, go to a clean page and write down the sin.

    1. Keep in mind the devil can see this, he will attack and tempt you, so you fall but remember he is a LIAR, and your alliance is JESUS, the one who conquered the devil.

  6. Now write down what you get out of committing that sin.

    1. We do not do anything unless we are getting something out of it.

    2. We must be honest with ourselves to get rid of sin, 100% honesty is vital.

    3. Now you are aware of the pleasures of that sin.

  7. Next, write down what or who triggers you to commit that sin.

    1. Every bad habit or sin have a trigger, finding that trigger is key.

  8. Write down the things you MUST do to avoid those triggers or temptations.

    1. Just write as its coming to you, let the holy spirit flow through your fingers to your pen/pencil to the page.

  9. Now ask yourself what you can replace that habit with and write it down.

    1. If you are taking away a sin you must fill the empty space with something of God, we CANNOT leave it empty. Matthew 12:43-45 speaks of an impure spirit that comes out of a person and returns finding the house unoccupied and so he goes for 7 more demons worse than him and fill the house. The person is now worse than they were before.

    2. Leaving an empty space leaves room for the devil to fill it more than he did before.

  10. See yourself changed and write down who that person is and what that person is like without the sin.


  12. Finally, place your open hands on those pages pray and ask God for the strength to follow through and not to succumb to the devil’s tricks.

    1. Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians 10:13 that “No temptation has overcome you that is not common to men (we are not alone in this). God is faithful and he will not let you be tempted beyond your strength (God will not give us more than we can bear), but with the temptation will he also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure.

Hallelujah, Hallelujah, God you are worthy. My family in CHRIST take a 3-minute break and praise God for that. God will provide a way of escape. HALLELUJAH, you better praise him like you believe it, raise your voice to the MOST HIGH GOD, he is more than worthy, rejoice and be glad in him, he will make us sin free for he already has a way of escape for all the devils traps. Sing unto him a new song, sing as if you are already freed from sin, sing and sing and sing until you are freed from sin. There’s nobody like our God, he is the conquering Lion of Judah but he is still our comforter, he is the all powerful but still our savior, lift him up higher, lift him up men and women of God for he is worthy. I do not know where you are reading this right now but take a few more minutes and speak to your father. Talk to him heart to heart. He already knows so be real with him, ask him for strength, and renewed eyes to see you how he sees you. Linger in that private space with God my loved ones.

Until next week, may God move mightily in your life, may he enter your mind and conquer the battle with self, may he strengthen you from the mole of your head to the sole of your feet, may he put a desire in your heart to become sin free and may his love so enrich your soul that his glory may be seen and felt by all in your presence. Amen.

From his mouth, to my ears, to your eyes---BE BLESSED

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