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  • Prophetess Myriam Flerimound

Conquering and Occupying The 7 Mountains of Influence

What Are The 7 Mountains Of Influence?

The 7 mountains of influence are 7 areas of life/society that impacts the way we think and live our lives. These mountains of influence shape us from conception and can make or break us. The trajectory of our lives is a direct result of how we were influenced by these 7 major areas. Let us identify and breakdown these 7 mountains of influence.

  1. The mountain of FAMILY. This mountain is our foundation and is critical to our well being. When God established the mountain of family, He gave a command that they would have dominion over the earth, occupy and take care of it. Prior to the fall of Adam and Eve; to occupy and dominate was to be done according to God's perfect will and purpose. The perfect will and purpose of God was for mankind to live in abundance, in peace, with joy in fellowship with Him and one another while building the kingdom of family according to the blueprint of heaven. This ideal was lost when Adam and Eve fell into sin.

  1. The mountain of RELIGION. First; let us get something straight! GOD DID NOT ESTABLISH RELIGION! HE ESTABLISHED RELATIONSHIP! Religion is man made and is a tool for manipulation and destruction. From the foundation of the world; God's heart has always been relationship, fellowship and friendship with us; His creation. (Reference Scripture: Genesis 1:26-31) It is important to know Him as Abba, our Father who loves us and yearns to be near to us. We must know Him on a one-on-one level. IT MUST BE PERSONAL! Once the original family fell; so, did their relationship with God and ours to follow.

  1. The mountain of EDUCATION. Following the order of operation; education was always to be the primary responsibility of mothers and fathers. Parents are the first defense for educating their children in the ways of The Lord. Education with a firm foundation on God leads to a well-rounded morally sound compassionate human that goes into the world to be a light shining in the dark. Unfortunately; what we see is that responsibility being neglected by parents and left up to government established schools. This in turn has created major issues that has trickled back into the family and society.

  1. The mountain of GOVERNMENT. This mountain is one that dictates the way society functions. Government is broken into different segments that manage the law of the land, rules and regulations that are enacted in the land, finances of the land, protection, manages medical resources, schools, courts and everything concerning how we live. This entity God intended to be one led by Him. HE is our king, our protector, our provider and He sits high over us as ruler and judge. We are His children; the sheep of His pasture. But; of course.. we decided we wanted something better and demanded that we have a king like other nations.

  1. The mountain of BUSINESS. This mountain is one that provides the goods and services to the people. Through this mountain of business the needs of the people are met. Everything from food to building to education/training in various skills. The Lord calls for His children to be the head and not the tail. We have been gifted with many talents and skills so that we can function in all areas of influence in the land. When we look around today; we recognize that we have not done such a great job at dominating. So much so that our voices are almost completely silenced by demons that have taken control and manipulated for their gain at the expense of the well being of the population.

  1. & 7. The mountain of ARTS/MEDIA and ENTERTAINMENT go hand in hand. We see in today's world we consume plenty of media, arts and entertainment. Media, Arts and Entertainment influences us in a major way. This influence is even greater and has a major impact on how we live even more so if one did not get the proper, well rounded upbringing. A person coming from a broken home, who experienced instability in their spiritual, mental, and emotional state is more likely to be led astray and impacted in a negative way by these areas of influence.

God is calling His children back to take their rightful place on these mountains of influence. Now more than ever we must not only be in awareness of our calling, we must occupy our space and be vessels to carry out God's agenda in our Families, in our relationship with Him, in the area of Education, Government, Business, Arts, Media and Entertainment. We must be producers, not just consumers. The head and not the tail. Especially as young men and women in relationship with Jesus Christ. This era comes with many promises and prophetic words concerning God's plans for His children. BUT! We must do our part and get in alignment to hear from God about what, when, where and How He desires to use us on an individual level. If you are paying attention; you have seen a lot of shifting happening in all these areas of influence. God is shaking things up and rearranging. He is removing those who have occupied these mountains for way too long. He is uncovering the devil and his puppets. The Lord is making room for those who will heed His word, walk in obedience to conquer and occupy the 7 mountains of influence for His glory! Guess what?? His glory is our glory as His children! It is to our benefit to come in alignment for the manifestation of God's heart's desire for us individually, collectively as the body of Christ, for our communities, our nation, and for the world!

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